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Leadership Lessons from Down under (George Hickton)

This is an extract from a mini toolkit ‘How the Millennial Manager can be a ‘Viking with a Mother’s Heart’ (article +E-Templates) that can be source from this link.
New Zealand is famous for its pristine environment, it’s prime minister (Jacinda Ardern), its rugby prowess, its yachting expertise and its warm welcome to visitors.
There is however more to […]

By |May 10th, 2012|0 Comments

Hostmanship, a key leadership skill

I will never forget an interview I had with a CEO of Pilkington’s Auto motive Glass in New Zealand.  The interview was arranged as I had heard that their management practices were quite unique.  I arrived at the reception and then was greeted by the CEO. After a very interesting session, where he did not […]

By |October 10th, 2011|Comments Off on Hostmanship, a key leadership skill

Management practices by the Pier Nine Restaurant, Brisbane

By David Parmenter

As an international speaker, there has to be some perks. One of which is to eat seafood around the world. One venue in Brisbane is eagerly awaited by my stomach, the Pier Nine restaurant. It all started during one lunch time where I had only 45 minutes for lunch, I had run over […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

When TOMs (takeovers or mergers) go bad

The Economist ran a very interesting series on six major TOMs and this article looks at some of the lessons learnt, which are very relevant to the NZ environment, and provides a scorecard for your next TOM.

It is often quoted, and even great leaders seem to forget, that history has a habit of repeating itself. […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

Four reasons why you and your team should have compulsory breaks together

I remember my first impressions of the New Zealand business world when I arrived from England in 1982, just after the Springbok Tour. As an Auditor I visited many New Zealand companies and experienced firsthand the daily procession to morning tea. Looking back, I do recall some interesting characteristics of this ritual, such as: older […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

Implementing 360 degree feedback

What are the best ways to make the 360 degree feedback process work? What can you do to make the process less time consuming for the organisation?

Participants in our better practice studies* have found practical solutions to both these questions.

We have noted the increasing use of 360 degree feedback and the positive responses with which […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

Measuring Performance in Challenging Times

Our traditional tools and processes for performance measurement are more akin to Charles Dickens than
the 21st century, and thus more appropriate for the Victoria and Albert Museum than a fast and flexible
organisation. We need to look at what we can do immediately and the changes we need to work on in the next six months.
Immediate changes
The finance team has […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

28 tips on investing like Warren Buffet

A Warren Buffet styled “Investment checklist”

Extract from “Don’t Say That I Didn’t Tell You: Advice from a father to his 20-something-daughters” by David Parmenter
Warren Buffet, called by many as the “greatest investor alive today” has always
been open about the way Berkshire Hathaway invests. Pouring over his annual
reports, I have developed this checklist to help me […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

Free media for `The Leading Edge Managers Guide to Success` book owners

Coming Soon…

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments

Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success (Book and Toolkit options)

Moving into a new position of leadership is one of the toughest challenges a businessperson can face. Yet, many drift into it without adequate preparation, hoping a great career will just happen. In The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success, performance management thought leader David Parmenter presents proven solutions and cutting-edge techniques in your journey toward […]

By |February 9th, 2011|0 Comments